Actualités de l'ICOM

Interschool Basketball Winners

Congratulations to both of our Secondary Interschool Basketball teams who, as expected, performed exceptionally well this week!

Our Secondary girls Interschool Basketball team (Mariam Taha, Reehana Ibrahim, Razan Kamaredin, Anam Ali, Ayan Ali, Admira Ali, Yasmine Al Nachar, Khadra El Hawli & Jilnar El Bob) placed 1st overall defeating AIA in the grand final, 24-2 while the Secondary boys Interschool Basketball team (Aniq Arizan, Imran Hussein, Mohammad Chaolk, Talal Al Hawli, Sharif Hika, Noah El Houli, Mahmoud Chehade, Daniyal Rafaqat, Rafat El Houli & Zane Taleb) placed 2nd overall.
