2022 Information Night

2022 Primary “Meet the Teachers”

As part of our Primary “Meet the Teachers” Information Night held last week we took a moment to publicly announce and acknowledge our Primary SRC representatives for 2022. With our latest cohort of incredible House Captains, Class Captains and Primary School Captains all having their moment on stage, we are super excited to see what new developments, exciting clubs and engaging events will be held in Primary this year!

2022 Secondary “Meet the Teachers”

During our recent Secondary “Meet the Teachers” Information Night the College took the opportunity to publicly announce and commend our 2022 Secondary SRC representatives. This included our 2022 Secondary class and house captains along with our 2022 Debating Captain Layal El Rifai, our 2022 College Captains Hussain Yasir and Maryam Al-Gburi, our 2021 College Dux Ammar Qidwai and our 2021 Year 12 high achievers!
