Training Plan:
Career Pathways:
Entry Requirement:
Qualification Requirements:
Assessment Requirements:
Delivery Mode:
Units of Competency:
22628VIC – Diploma of Islamic Leadership
Diploma of Islamic Leadership
The Diploma of Islamic Leadership (ILEAD) intends to provide graduates with the skills and knowledge required to perform in the role of an Imam, religious instructor, and/or Muslim chaplain, to serve the Australian Muslim Community in metropolitan and regional areas of varying sizes. At course completion, graduates should acquire the skills and knowledge to:
- guide congregations in religious matters
- lead religious observances.
- reconcile religious beliefs and practices within modern Australian society.
- run community development programs.
- teach Islamic text and sources.
- provide pastoral care services.
This course is designed to provide training for members of the Muslim community who want to serve in the Muslim community as Imams, religious instructors and/or Muslim chaplains.
Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to guide congregations in religious matters, lead religious observances, reconcile religious beliefs and practices within the modern Australian society, run community development programs, teach Islamic text and sources and provide pastoral care services.
This course is to be delivered over three years in 110 weeks of scheduled training and assessment.
Entrants to the Diploma of Islamic Leadership must:
- be over 15 years of age.
- have a foundation understanding of basic Arabic and Islamic teachings and principles verified by a letter of recommendation from a practicing and recognised Imam or authorised Islamic Centre representative.
- A letter proving Islam is your faith will be required by each candidate to be provided by any Mosque, Islamic institution or Muslim community leader. This is due to the nature of the vocational outcome requiring the carrying out of rituals and teachings only a Muslim can carry out. That letter must also provide a testimony of good conduct of the candidate. This is due to graduates filling in roles of community leadership and must be of good moral stature.
- Interview with the candidate to confirm suitability to the course
- hold a current Working With Children Check applicable in the relevant Australian State or Territory in which they reside and work.
hold language, literacy and numeracy levels; sufficient to read and interpret complex theological text and prepare written reports to demonstrate knowledge and understanding.
It is recommended that the assessment strategy for the 22628VIC Diploma of Islamic Leadership is hands-on, practical and involves real workplace situations. This can take place – and is not limited to – mosques, Islamic centres, Muslim organisations with an educational focus such as schools, weekend classes, institutions; and the various contexts where a chaplain can be found such as hospitals, universities, and prisons.
Assessment must include demonstration of practical skills and may include a range of methods such as:
- presentations
- role plays
- discussion groups
- simulations and scenarios
- written and oral questioning
- written assignments or theoretical examinations
- practical assessments/ Work placement
- case studies
- research projects
- Portfolio of evidence
All assessment, including Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), must be compliant with the requirements of:
- Standard 1 of the AQTF: Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial/Continuing Registration and Guidelines 4.1 and 4.2 of the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers,
- the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (SRTOs),
- the relevant standards and Guidelines for RTOs at the time of assessment.
Imported units of competency must be assessed according to the rules of the relevant Training Package. This includes the unit CHCPAS004 Provide pastoral and spiritual care that requires 100 hours of work placement as part of the assessment requirements. Suitable workplaces include mosques, Islamic education institutions, organisations where a chaplain performs their role.
The volume of learning for this program is 1322.25 hours distributed as follows:
- In-class face-to-face learning, assessment, and trainer-led excursions: 25 hours. Learners are expected to complete 6-7 hours of face-to-face training and assessment at the RTO premises per week, over 110 weeks.
- Practical experience/Work placement: 205 hours. Learners are required to complete work placement in a mosque, Islamic centre, or Muslim chaplaincy during weekends and school holidays.
- Unsupervised training: 100 hours. Learners are expected to undertake unsupervised tasks including trainer directed homework and community involvement at weekends and/or school holidays.
This results in a total Volume of Learning of 1322.25 hours. This allocation of supervised and unsupervised hours in training and assessment is consistent with the benchmark volume of learning of 2-3 years (or 1200 – 2400 hours) as defined by the Australian Qualifications Framework Second Edition January 2013.
Code | Core Units | Nominal Hours |
VU23412 | Teach the recitation and sciences of the Quran. | 150 |
VU23413 | Lead congregational prayers. | 100 |
VU23414 | Deliver an Islamic sermon. | 150 |
VU23415 | Develop and apply knowledge of Arabic for preaching Islamic texts. | 150 |
VU23416 | Support Muslim community to respond to contemporary challenges. | 150 |
VU23417 | Provide faith-based community leadership. | 90 |
CHCCDE018 | Develop and implement community programs. | 60 |
CHCPAS004 | Provide pastoral and spiritual care. | 125 |
Total | 975 |