I know you are wondering if this program will cover the units that you are studying. Below is a list of all the units and the lessons contained in the units. If you are using this as a curriculum, you can see that this Algebra Course contains a very thorough study of Algebra. If you are using this as a supplement to your studies, you will find many individual lessons guaranteed to suit your needs. In order to complete the entire course in the allotted time.

इकाई का नाम तारीख कार्य
Essentials of Physics
Scientific Method 4 जनवरी 2016 1
Powers of Ten ६ जनवरी २०१६ 1
Multiplication & Division of Powers of Ten February 6, 2016 2
Measurements 7 फरवरी 2016 1
Dimensions and Unit Conversion 8 मार्च 2016 1
Using Formulas 11 मार्च 2016 2
Solving Equations
Convert Length Units March 12, 2016 1
One-Step Equations 13 अप्रैल 2016 1
मिश्रित समीक्षा अभ्यास 18 अप्रैल 2016 2
वितरण संपत्ति के समीकरण May 20, 2016 4
Conclusion २६ मई २०१६ 1