أخبار ICOM

Primary Multicultural Day Parade

On Wednesday the 31st of March we celebrated Multicultural Day here at ICOM with activities taking place all across the college.

The highlight of the day for our Primary students was our Multicultural Day Parade being held in the ICOM Gymnasium. We focused on 7 countries this year, Bangladesh, Somalia, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Lebanon and Palestine.

Each primary year level were given the task of representing one of these great countries throughout the parade. The students took up this challenge with a high level of enthusiasm and pride, representing the diversity of their peers while gaining a greater understanding of the cultures of the countries mentioned.

As part of our Multicultural Day tradition we gave our students the opportunity to make a charitable donation towards our Orphan Sponsorship Program by bringing a gold coin with them to school. Other fundraising efforts were also held around the college making this year’s Multicultural Day impactful on many levels.
