Tata Kelola Sekolah

Welcome to School Governance!

The school is committed to the Australian Democratic Principles, which include a commitment to:
1. Elected government
2. The rule of law
3. Equal rights for all before the law
4. Freedom of religion
5. Freedom of speech and association
6. The values of openness and tolerance

Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine, Kepala Sekolah

Strengthening Relationships

We aim to strengthen relationships between School staff, students, and parents while maximising potential in both personal and professional lives.

Prinsip-prinsip ini dikomunikasikan kepada staf, siswa, orang tua dan komunitas Sekolah melalui proses berikut:

Pertemuan informasi orang tua
Parent-teacher Interviews
Buletin bulanan sekolah
Laporan siswa
Majelis siswa, staf dan orang tua
Rapat staf
Buku pegangan staf
Student Handbook

Bahasa Indonesia