Tahun 10

Islamic College of Melbourne memberi siswa dua pilihan studi di tahun-tahun senior sekolah mereka, Kelas 11 & 12. Program studi ini adalah Sertifikat Pendidikan Victoria (VCE) yang menggabungkan VET atau Program Diploma Baccalaureate Internasional.

Untuk informasi lengkap tentang kedua kursus, silakan merujuk ke buku pegangan terkait, yang dapat ditemukan di bagian Sumberdaya halaman ini. Siswa kelas 9 diharapkan untuk membuat pilihan awal jalur mana yang akan mereka tempuh di tengah-tengah semester 3.

Siswa Kelas 10 di ICOM berpartisipasi dalam program senior tiga tahun. Program kurikulum ini telah dirancang untuk memenuhi beragam kebutuhan pendidikan siswa kami dan untuk memberikan setiap siswa pengalaman belajar yang menarik dan berharga.

Semua siswa akan melakukan penempatan kerja sebagai bagian dari Program Karir Tahun 10. Ini dirancang untuk membantu siswa mengeksplorasi pilihan karir dan mempromosikan keterampilan mencari pekerjaan. Siswa diminta untuk menemukan penempatan kerja mereka sendiri. Penempatan kerja selama satu minggu dan berlangsung selama minggu yang ditentukan dalam jeda liburan Term 2.

Semua siswa juga akan berpartisipasi dalam a Program Komunitas dan Pengabdian under the CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service Certificate). Students are required to be involved in activities both as individuals and as part of a team that take place in local, national and international contexts. CAS enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development as well as their social and civic development through experiential learning. CAS supports students in achieving a counterbalance to the academic challenge of the rest of their study program. All students will receive a CAS Certificate from the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) at the end of Year 12.

Fitur Program Kelas 10

  • Students will complete six subjects (in addition to classes in Physical education, careers and Quran & Islamic Studies) and are expected to select subjects for the duration of the year.
  • All students must select one Year 10 English, and one Year 10 Mathematics subject based on their preferred pathway of study (VCE, VCE VM or IB) and academic ability.
  • Science and Humanities are compulsory for Mainstream and SAP students. Pre-VCE Students will choose 2 science and 2 humanities subjects to study throughout the year. Pre-IB students experience all humanities and science subjects throughout the year.
  • DEEP students must participate in VET Industry short courses, work related skills and personal development skills. DEEP students also complete a sports development program.
  • All Pre-VCE students will have the opportunity to undertake one VCE and one VET subject
  • All students in the senior years will complete mid and end of year exams.
  • All Year 10 students will participate in the Community & Service Program CAS.
  • All Year 10 students are required to complete at least one week of work experience placement.
  • Students will be equipped to pursue the VCE, VCE VM or IB Diploma Programme at the end of Year 10.
  • All subject choices made by students will be considered on a case-by-case basis and student choices may not be granted due to academic results in Year 9.

Sumber daya

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