Actualités de l'ICOM

Junior Debating Update

On Wednesday 24th November, our undefeated Junior Debating Team consisting of girls from 8C again performed spectacularly, defeating Bacchus Marsh Grammar Team 5. Debating the topic ‘that we prefer children playing team sports to individual sports’, our team argued for the negative, and this time it was Maariya Shaikh, Iraj Rizvi and Khadija Kamran who stepped up to the plate to represent ICOM with incredible results to retain their undefeated status.

A special mention also goes out to Arham Mir, who impressed everyone with his debating performance and respectively came away with the best speaker award in his debate!

At ICOM we are all incredibly proud of our Junior Debating Teams as we look forward to final round of debating on the evening of November 24th via Zoom to close out 2021 with great success.

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