Student Testimonials

I have attended ICOM since foundation and I am proud to be a student here. The learning environment is very supportive from both teachers and students, this encourages me to perform at my best. There are many activities the school offers such as Interschool Sports which I have participated in. It’s a great experience to represent your school and bring back a trophy.

I believe I speak for everyone when I say ICOM is a highly dedicated school. ICOM staff don’t only teach us but they care for us and for our futures. ICOM teach students about their faith, discipline and well… math! School isn’t just books and pens, it’s a place where students are inspired, educated and learn life lessons.
“There is no elevator to success you have to take the stairs.” – Zig Ziglar

I have been at this school for 7 years now and would like to thank ICOM for all the wonderful memories and learning opportunities during my time in primary school. As I look back over the years, I am proud to be a student at ICOM and wish to continue my journey until university.
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Maimonides

Here at ICOM everyone is unique yet trying to achieve similar goals. Everyone is taught at their own pace so no one is left behind. Whoever takes a step is also encouraged and assisted in moving forward. I learn so much here and love the environment at ICOM.

Completing my schooling at ICOM has indeed been a great experience; fuelled by my fellow peers, caring teachers and supportive environment, encouraging success not only academically but religiously. Although my time at ICOM has come to an end the learning never stops as the messenger of Allah (SAW) said “The believer is never satisfied from learning good until he arrives in Paradise.”

ICOM was not only my school, it was my second home. I would walk in every morning to be greeted by my peers and teachers with a smile and Salam. It’s a place where my spiritual, social and academic life combined and helped shape the thriving person I’m today. At ICOM I have witnessed ambitious school leadership, caring teachers and supportive peers. Alhamdulillah!

At ICOM there is a focus on discipline. I think this has prepared me for the real world, I hold onto my religion and identity despite what might be going on in the outside world. I admire our principal for making the decision to make us better people.

My journey at ICOM has been one that I wouldn’t trade for anything. With the support and guidance from my educators and careers advisor I’ve been able to pursue my tertiary studies and follow my dream! I’m so thankful for having the opportunity to be able to go to this school for the majority of my school years.

I’ve been at the Islamic College of Melbourne since year 5 and watching the development of this school internally, externally and academically has been truly amazing. I recently completed my VCE and couldn’t have seen myself graduating anywhere else. It has truly been an honour to study at this college.