At the Islamic College of Melbourne, we deliver the Victorian Curriculum to our Year 7 to Year 9.
Our resources are up-to-date with the current era; we have the latest technology.
Our textbooks are continuously reviewed and reflect the curriculum taught.
Our students have access to electronic books and hard copy of the handbook as well.
Homework is given as per our Homework policy.
The Homework policy ensures that students spend approximately 2 hours daily doing their homework.
Then use the rest of their time to revise the content taught.

We conduct two assessments per term – midterm assessment and end of term test.
Any student who misses an assessment with a valid reason is allowed another chance to complete the evaluation.
Teachers continuously review their teaching and planning to ensure that every student’s need is addressed.
All assessment results are collected and analysed; this data is used by the school to inform the teaching-learning process.
Results from diagnostic tests, such NAPLAN and ACER are also used to inform the teaching and learning process.
Results are also used to determine our Secondary Accelerated Program classes.
The SAP class encourages students to be probe deeper into the concepts taught.
We expect our students to graduate from high school as young Australian Muslims who are critical and able thinkers.
Parent-Teacher Partnerships
We at ICOM believe that partnership with parents is crucial, we conduct two Parent-Teacher interviews during the year. The meetings provide us with an opportunity to meet with the parents and discuss the progress of the child. Discussions about your child’s development are not only limited to these days; parents can meet their child’s teacher if they have any concern by requesting a meeting with the school Admin staff.
At the beginning of each term, we post our info packs on the parent portal.
The info pack contains information about important dates, content taught and other relevant information.
Our homework policy, assessment and reporting policy can also be accessed via the parent portal.