Child Safety Standards


In 2016 the Victorian Education Minister introduced compulsory requirements that apply to all providers of services for children.
These requirements were introduced to help protect children from all forms of abuse.
Seven Child Safety Standards form part of the Victorian Governments’ response to the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry. The college is committed to child safety and preventing potential child abuse incidences.

The Islamic College of Melbourne does this by creating a culture and structure to address any issues related to child abuse.

All staff, volunteers and school members are responsible for supporting the safety of children by adhering to the code of conduct.

ICOM have implemented policies, procedures, practices, and standards in relation to child safety. We believe by taking these proactive measures it allows us to continuously strive to improve the safety & well-being of all students at the college.

For more information on the college’s policy with regards to child safety please use the below links.

Responding to and Reporting Allegations of Child Abuse
Child Safety Policy and Statement of Commitment
Allegations Against Staff or Volunteers Form
Code of Conduct
Mandatory Reporting Policy

English (Australia)