ਆਈਕਾਮ ਨਿ Newsਜ਼

Secondary Debating Update

On Tuesday, 25th May our Senior Secondary students Huzaifa Qidwai and Maryam Al-Gburi attended the Plain English Speaking Award State Heats at Suzanne Cory High School.

Both students delivered inspiring speeches that were well received by the judges and audience. Competitors were required to deliver a 5-6 minute speech on a topic of their choosing and a 2-3 minute impromptu speech for which they only had four minutes to prepare.

Maryam placed second out of 14 students and has been selected to proceed to the regional finals taking place at Melbourne University on the 17th of June. This is testament to the amazing amount of effort Maryam has put in to prepare.

Well done, Huzaifa and Maryam!
