ਆਈਕਾਮ ਨਿ Newsਜ਼

2022 Senior Debating Round 2

On Wednesday 30th of March our incredible Secondary debating teams headed off to Williamstown High School to compete in Round 2 of Senior Debating for 2022.

We had a very successful evening with four debate wins and four best speaker awards, Warresha Akhtar of Year 11, Nosayba Aljibaly and Afifa Khan of Year 10, and Adam Yahia of Year 9 all were awarded best speaker on the night, congratulations to them!

Our students grappled with some big issues such as ‘That only citizens and permanent residents should be able to own property in Australia’, ‘That parliamentarians should be allowed to hold citizenship other than Australian citizenship’ and ‘That we should abolish the Australian citizenship test’. Students were able to explore thesebig picture issues and broaden their world perspectives.
