ICOM Newsfeed

Debating: Swannie Award WInners

This year, ICOM Secondary Students won two incredible awards in the category of debating and public speaking.
Ali Ali of Year 12 won the top A grade debater, and Nosayba Aljibaly won the top D grade debater for our region under the guidance of ICOM Debating Coordinator Mr Carrington. This is a great honour for our students and the college, and we are incredibly proud of their efforts.

ICOMTalks Podcast #3 – Ali Ali, Imaad Abdul Hafeez, Nawaz Ali Khan

Our College Captain Amir Hussien is joined by fellow Year 12 classmates Ali Ali, Imaad Abdul Hafeez and Nawaz Ali Khan to discuss the topic of Self Progression.

Junior Debating Success

Congratulations to Iraj Rizvi, Mashhuda Ali and Khadija Kamran of Year 8 who came away with an incredible debating win against Bacchus Marsh Grammar in the first round of junior debating which took place on Zoom on Wednesday, 20th of October.

ICOM Live Khutbah Series

Join us tomorrow, Friday the 15th of October, for an ICOM Live Khutbah hosted by College Principal Dr Abdul Kamareddine. Zoom links will be sent to Primary parents via Parent Portal (Seqta Engage) and to Secondary students via email.

New College Air Purifiers

The Islamic College of Melbourne have installed Samsung AX90T air purifiers in every classroom in both our Primary and Secondary Schools. These air purifiers assist in improving ventilation, maintaining a safe environment for our students, and will enable the College to move forward with the state’s plan to have students returning to onsite learning during Term 4 of 2021.

ICOM Students & the GAT: The Age Article

Alongside the anticipated return to on-site attendance for all of our students, this week our Year 12s attended the College to sit the GAT test, a state-wide test that all VCE students who are enrolled in Unit 3 & 4 subjects are required to complete.

New ICOM Science Lab

The College has recently completed works on a brand new Science Laboratory, transforming this space into a state of the art Science Lab to better facilitate our students needs when it comes to all things Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Primary STEM Week Experiments

During ICOM’s 2021 STEM Week, all of our Primary year levels had a science experiment video made for them to watch, learn and enjoy during their remote learning period.

Welcome to Secondary STEM Week

Our Secondary STEM teachers along with Dr Abdul and Mr Koubar introduce our Secondary STEM Week for 2021! Students from both Primary and Secondary will be participating in virtual events as part of our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics week.

ICOM Live Khutbah Series

Join us today and next Friday for our ICOM Live Khutbah series. Zoom links will be sent to parents via Parent Portal and to Secondary Students via email.

ICOM Talks Podcast #2: Hamza Balali & Khulud Qureshi

Amir Hussien and Basma Alo, our 2021 Secondary College Captains discuss how they’ve integrated ICOM’s core values into their 2021 covid-19 lockdown, how they’ve been impacted by this situation and what positives they’ve taken from their experiences.

2021 Primary Hajj Week

Monday, 26th of July marked the beginning of Hajj Week here at ICOM. Throughout Hajj Week we had many activities planned for our students. Our Primary Students were given the opportunity to be involved in a practise tawaf that was made around our replica Kaaba, circling the Kaaba counter-clockwise 7 times.

2021 Secondary Hajj Week

ICOM College Principal, Dr Abdul Kamareddine along with our Secondary Sheikh Abdulshaheed Drew and Secondary Quran and Islamic Studies Coordinator Mr Mohammad Hijazi welcome us to Hajj Week @ ICOM for 2021.

ICOM Talks Podcast #1: Amir Hussien & Basma Alo

Amir Hussien and Basma Alo, our 2021 Secondary College Captains discuss how they’ve integrated ICOM’s core values into their 2021 covid-19 lockdown, how they’ve been impacted by this situation and what positives they’ve taken from their experiences.

2021 Primary Character Day

On Thursday, 24th of June to mark the conclusion of Literacy Week and the final day of student attendance for Term 2, our Primary students gathered to participate in one of the most anticipated events of the year, Character Day.

Foundation Bookmark Colouring

On Wednesday, 23rd of June as part of ICOM’s Primary Literacy Week activities many of our Foundation students took part in a bookmark colouring-in competition which they all whole heartedly enjoyed.
