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2021 VCE Dux and High Achievers

The Islamic College of Melbourne is extremely proud to announce our VCE 2021 Dux & High Achievers. Our Year 12 students attained impressively high results across the board with our College Dux, Ammar Qidwai achieving an impressive ATAR score of 97.50! With an incredibly bright future ahead for all of our class of 2021, we wish them all the very best in everything they aim to achieve in the future In sha’Allah.

IVET Excellence Award 2021

On Wednesday the 10th of March, Haijer Dennaoui one of ICOM’s Year 12 VET students was awarded the IVET Excellence Award to recognize her incredible efforts during her VCE VET Sport and Recreation studies in 2020.
Haijer displayed an enormous amount of enthusiasm and a keen interest in the subject area, consistently working hard to achieve her personal best. The Excellence Award is an external state-wide award, which gives a large amount of recognition to Haijer! Well done on being nominated by Ms Layal and ultimately winning the award along with a $500 prize.
