Foundation – Year 6 Curriculum
Education, a life-long journey, is learning To Know, To Do, To Be and To Live Together. The values of Openness and Tolerance as expressed in the Teachings of Islam and the Australian Democratic Principles are integral to this definition of learning.
At The Islamic College of Melbourne, we demonstrate our commitment to the above statement through the Implementation of a curriculum designed to include Disciplinary knowledge. As well as the understanding of seven General Capabilities and three current Cross-Curriculum priorities are developed, where relevant, through the learning areas.
This curriculum as well as developing student achievement in English, LOTE, Mathematics, Humanities, Health and Physical Education, Science, Technology and The Arts, incorporates Islamic Studies. It is also designed to enable students to develop positive social relationships, work together effectively, and think in diverse ways and to use technology appropriately for learning in the twenty-first century.

Rigour in all Learning Areas will is enabled through the development of learning experiences which are assessed according to the Victorian curriculum. The Learning Areas of English and Mathematics are implemented daily.
The Learning Areas Humanities, Science, and Visual Arts are performed through Theme-Big Idea Enquiry Units. Units, developed within an enquiry model of learning, also integrate the General capabilities which include Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding. Units are academically rigorous while being designed to engage students in developing a love of learning. In addition to the Humanities and science, specific classes are conducted to develop ICT skills. Physical Education, LOTE and Islamic and Quranic Studies are implemented discretely.