Aperçu de l'EFP
Les programmes VCE VET sont des programmes de formation professionnelle approuvés par le VCAA. Les programmes de VCE VET mènent à des qualifications reconnues au niveau national, offrant ainsi aux étudiants la possibilité d'obtenir à la fois le certificat d'éducation victorien (VCE) et un certificat d'enseignement et de formation professionnels (EFP) reconnu au niveau national. Les programmes VCE d'EFP sont pleinement reconnus au sein de la structure des unités 1 à 4 du VCE et contribuent à l'achèvement satisfaisant du VCE. Les unités VCE VET ont le même statut que les autres unités VCE.
L'EFP permet aux étudiants d'acquérir des compétences sur le lieu de travail grâce à une formation reconnue au niveau national décrite dans un programme de formation développé par l'industrie ou un cours accrédité. Un RTO délivre une qualification d'EFP. L'obtention d'une qualification d'EFP signifie qu'un étudiant a démontré ses compétences par rapport aux compétences et aux connaissances nécessaires pour performer efficacement sur le lieu de travail. L'EFP dispensé aux étudiants du secondaire est le même que tous les autres EFP.
The Islamic College of Melbourne will be offering 6 VCE/VET subjects in 2022:
- VCE VET Certificate III in Business:
This program is drawn from a national training package and offers portable qualifications which are recognised throughout Australia. These qualifications provide students with a broad range of knowledge and skills to pursue a career or further training in the business industry.
Download more information on VCE VET Certificate III in Business ici.
- VCE VET Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance:
Ce programme fournit aux étudiants les connaissances et les compétences qui amélioreront leurs perspectives d'emploi dans l'industrie de la santé. Ces qualifications couvrent les travailleurs qui fournissent une assistance aux professionnels paramédicaux et autres professionnels de la santé pour les soins des clients.
Download more information on VCE VET Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance ici.
- VCE VET Certificate III Information & Communications Technology:
This program provides students with the knowledge, skills, and competency that will enhance their training and employment prospects in the information and communications technology or related industries. The course enable participants to gain a recognised credential and to make an informed choice of vocation or career path.
- VCE/VET MSL30122 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills:
This program teaches secondary school students skills in maintaining a laboratory, routine sampling and testing, recording data, and using laboratory computing programs. Students contemplating engineering or science pathways like scientific research, biomedical science, chemical engineering, or similar will also benefit from the practical skills gained in this course. This Certificate is delivered through AIET (RTO 121314)
Download more information on VCE/VET MSL30122 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills ici.
- VCE VET Certificate III in Sport and Recreation:
This program provides students with the skills and knowledge to work in the Sport and Recreation industry. In Units 1 and 2, students can choose from a range of electives to create a program of their choice, including sport specific activities, conducting events, outdoor recreation or fitness programs.
Units 3 and 4 offers scored assessment and includes core units such as conduct basic warm-up and cool- down programs, plan and conduct programs, risk assessment, and control and knowledge of coaching practices.
Download more information on VCE VET Certificate III in Sport and Recreation ici.
- VCE VET Certificate II in Applied Language (Arabic):
The VCE VET Applied Language program is drawn from a national training package and offers portable qualifications which are recognised throughout Australia. These qualifications provide students with a broad range of skills and knowledge to pursue a career or further training in related industries in language studies. Our RTO VSL provides a nationally accredited curriculum that offers students the opportunity to develop basic oral and written communication in the language in a range of standard social and workplace situations.
Download more information on VCE VET Certificate II in Applied Language (Arabic) ici.